Vendors and Incentives

The Linton Farmers’ Market is about to get off to a great start! Please come out this Saturday for opening day and support your local farmers. The Linton Farmers’ Market is a 100% producer-only market, meaning that the vendors must grow or produce everything that they sell. Reselling of any item is strictly prohibited. So you can rest assured that you are receiving exceptionally fresh, high quality, local produce when you shop our market.

In addition to the great variety of produce and baked goods, there will also be t-shirts and reusable shopping bags for sale at the market. And this year we will be offering a punch card system, where all customers who visit the market six times will receive a free shopping bag and will also be entered into periodic drawings for LFM gift certificates.

Be sure to get your card punched this week after buying some delicious produce from our vendors, like Mrs. Martin’s Produce Patch and Wagler Family Farm. These and all our other vendors will offer a variety of home grown produce and friendly service. Mrs. Martin will hopefully have some strawberries, but the hail and heavy rain this spring has been hard on her plants. Philip Wagler will be returning again this year with an abundant variety of fresh produce, including tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini, rhubarb, flowers and free-range eggs from his family farm. All our vendors will be happy to sell you the best of their wares so please come out and support your local farmers’ market!

–Amy Lore, Linton Farmers’ Market Steering Committee